My Goals and My Ambitions

Hello there! How's your day? I hope you always have good days :)

Let me introduce myself again, just in case you forgot. So, my name is Diva Diandra Kinanti, most of the people call me Diva and some people on the internet just call me Div. I was born in Bandung, but my mom and my dad are from D.I.Yogyakarta and East Java. And I was born on 30th April.

When I was in primary school, like the others, I have lots, lots of dream jobs, such as a doctor, astronaut, pilot, professor, until a drummer. That time, I thought my dream jobs are very cool and interesting. I could help people that are sick, I could go the outer space and find new things there, I could fly a plane, I could make lots of innovations, or I could make some music and held concerts with my band.

Well, that was just a dream of a kid. Someday, it'll change, right?

Time went by, and suddenly I got an idea! I know what I want to be. So in 5th grade, I was watching an anime called "Black Jack". So, it tells about Kuroo Hazama, also known as "Black Jack," who is a surgeon. He's a legend in the medical world. Famous for being one of the best, as well as not having a license, This anime tells the story of the ominous and mysterious world of underground medicine as he risks his life to cure some of the most bizarre diseases imaginable, even if it means breaking every law in the process. When I watched it, I thought he looks so cool, and his techniques in operating the patient were just, great. And after that, I decided to be a surgeon.

While I was dreaming of being a surgeon, I tried to find my hobbies, I started to do doodle drawing because my friend in my class showed me her doodle drawings. I was motivated and I bought a doodle drawing book and learned from it. And she showed me that there was a doodle art community in Bandung, she showed me the Instagram, and I started to follow. That time, I want to join their meet up, but most of the members are young adults. So I never join. 

Not only that, after a year and a half of doodle art, I started to draw, but this time I drew in anime style. I had watched anime since I was in 4th grade. When I watched it, it just motivated and encouraged me to draw. I wondered, "how do they draw anime?". So I started to buy a book about how to draw in anime style. I learned to draw. At first attempt, I knew it looked weird yet bad. And of course, I practiced and practiced and I'm still doing these things until now.

When I was in middle school, I was so obsessed with fine art. Almost every day, when I was in class, I drew lots of things on my sketchbook with my chairmate. And because of that, my drawing skill improved day by day. And then, when I was in 2nd term of 7th grade, I decided to join an extracurricular named Fine Art. The teacher is so supportive and my friends are so exciting. So for my whole years, I learned lots of things, not just drawing people, but I drew plants, sceneries, animals, murals, and lots of other things. And my drawing skill was getting improved.

Somehow, I decided to be an animator or mangaka (someone who makes manga/japanese comics. But sadly, my parents didn't support me. So I just keep drawing as my hobby until now.

Then, I reached senior high school years. In 10th grade, I decided to be a pharmacist, like my dad. Because that time, I thought being a pharmacist can help lots of people by making medicines. As the times went by, I'm still not sure if my dream job is to be a pharmacist or not. At the end of 10th grade, I got a thought of becoming a programmer. I wanted to work on Google and I'm still not sure about that too. And somehow, I want to be an architect, since I like to draw, but I got no knowledge about it.

But here, I want to decide my goals and my ambitions. I'll keep it here and I'll open it whenever I need motivations.

So, I want to be a programmer, why? Because I want to make some programs/apps that help lots of people and I want to make the Internet to be as safe as possible, for everyone. So that everyone can surfing on the Internet and their privacy are protected. 

Not only that, I want to school abroad (in US/Singapore/Japan) because I want to learn about the diverse culture, their languages (not only the formal but the informal too), and of course to study computer programming there.

Oh, and I want to join organizations in my college years because I want to know and learn how to work together with lots of people from different backgrounds. And I want to make good networking with people. I actually want to join OSIS in my senior high school, but I was busy and I got no time to do that.

And what will I do to pursue it? 

So, when I have some spare time, I will learn about programming, on websites, or in the books. Besides that, I will learn about the subjects that are required for applying to my desired university, about the TOEFL test and I'll learn how to make good essays, so when I apply to the university, I'll be accepted.

These days, I've been unproductive. I like to procrastinate a lot. Even my sister and my parents told me to stop and start to study, especially my sister. At first, I got mad, but then I think "What's the purpose of me being mad at someone? Why don't you just start to be productive and not blaming others?"

It was just yesterday, my sister told me these two things, "Your biggest enemy is your laziness. If you can get rid of your laziness, you'll be a successful person" and "Your efforts won't betray the results. But if your efforts still betray, that's mean your efforts aren't maximal yet", and she's right.


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