Nico's Weg - A Film Review

Hello there! Today I want to review the film "Nico's Weg". There are lots of different levels, but now I'm going to review the A1 level of this film.


One day, Nico, who is a man from Seville, Spain, was in Köln Bonn Airport in one of the cities in Germany he wanted to visit his Aunt, Yara, in Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse. Then a young kid, named Emma, came to him and said that Nico's bag is good. But then her aunt, Lisa, came to them and brought Emma away. Nico actually wanted to ask Yara's address and tried to stop them, but it's already late. After a while, he went out of the airport and met Emma who was playing bubbles. Then he put his bag and play with Emma, while someone put his luggage beside Nico's bag, went into the taxi and the taxi driver took his belongings, including Nico's bag! He realized that, but the taxi already left the airport. Then Lisa, who was in the car, saw Nico worrying about his bag, came to him and asked him what happened. He said that he lost his bag and he forgot Yara's address. Luckily, Lisa wanted to help him, with the help of his father, who was the police. And he's allowed to stay at Lisa's house for 2 days. He met Sebastian, Nina, Nawin there, had a farewell party for Nawin. Sebastian helped Nico by posted Yara's picture on Facebook so they can get the address. At the party, they played lots of games and Nico met Selma, who was a refugee from Syria. Then Sebastian gave good news, they got the address!

The next morning, Lisa rushed to the kitchen to find her stuff, because she needs to teach German. When her class was over, Nico visited Lisa. Then Lisa got a phone call that someone wanted to rent Nawin's room. At Lisa's house, some people visited her house to see the room, but no one wanted to rent. Sadly, Lisa got some problems, her friend was sick so Lisa needed to replace her friend to teach German. And Lisa needed to take care of Emma, but she can't. So only Nico that could help. The next day Lisa and Nico went to the address that they got from Sebastian, but the address is wrong.

One day, in a restaurant named "Das Marek", Nico was there, also with Max, and Tarek. Then Nico told Tarek about his problems. Then a grandma named Inge heard them and decided to help Nico, by allowing him to stay at her apartment for some days. Then Lisa's father visited her house, said that he found the address, so Lisa and Nico went there. But Yara wasn't there so they went back home. Yara went to the Swiss.

One day, Selma found Nico's bag. Nothing was gone, except for his favorite shirt. While he stayed there, he learned lots of their languages and their culture. Until one day, Nico and Tarek went to Yara's house (that was a bicycle shop). At there, Nico found Tarek's bicycle and he could repair it. Not a long time after that, someone went to the bicycle shop and Nico met Yara.


In my opinion, the film was good for someone who wants to learn German. The film explained the materials that I've learned until now in an excellent way. Not only that, after I watched this film, I learned about new words and their culture too. And I didn't expect the plot twist at the end! But they're talking a little too fast, so someone might not understand what they're saying including me.

That's all from me! Thanks for your attention!


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