
I hate that voice. Yes, that voice that really bothered me until I couldn't sleep. I've been trying to chase away from that voices, but they're keep ringing on my head. I even made myself almost deaf, but still, that voices never lost from my hearing.

Like today, at school. That time we were learning Math. I knew that I'm not that good at Math, but my Math teacher told me to answer a question that even I didn't understand at all. But what to do? I had to answer it, at least like that.

So I walked to the front of the whiteboard. As I walked, I heard that voice again. The voice that made me really hurt. The voices that stabbing me like thousands of needles. Honestly, I couldn't stand of it anymore, but I was afraid to tell to anyone, no one I could rely to, even my parents couldn't help me because they left me since I was a little.

I stopped in front of the whiteboard. I looked to rows of numbers in front of me. The more I saw it, the number turned into something scary that I myself don't even know.

"Hey, orphan! Have you answered the question? You've been standing there for 30 minutes, bro.", said one of the students. The others just agreed with his words.

I still stood in front of the class.

What's going on with me? Why I couldn't answer any questions?

Then I sighed and tried to take the marker near the whiteboard and tried my best to answer that question.

But all of the sudden, everything around me went dark and darker. Then I just saw pitch black around me.

2 hours passed by, I saw some lights, the I opened my eyes slowly since it's too bright for me

"Where...am..I What...was...happened..at..class...?", i asked myself.

Not long after that, a woman opened my room door and said, "You're in hospital right now, kid. You fainted in class. At first, we took you to school clinic, but then I heard you say some words. I didn't hear that much, but the only thing I knew that you're missing your parents, and then you scream a bit loud, 'I can't stand of that voices...please help me mom, dad...', then you're silent and crying for a while, I was worried, so I brought you to here."

I just remain silent while I heard what she said to me. Then, I started to cry.

"No, don't cry again. I think you might have some problems, but you got no one to help, right? Here, you can tell it to me, but it's okay if you don't want to, I respect your decision."

I calmed down and told her my problems that I've been through for 12 years.

"So do you mean that you missed your parents, but they've passed away? And because of that, they always called you 'orphan', even made you in dangerous situation? Um, okay, so I think you should be patient and strong. If you still keep crying, trust me, your parent will be sad too. You want to make them proud, right?", she asked.

Then I nodded.

After that, she said, "In that case, you should fight that voices, that taunts. I know it's hard at first, but I know you can do it, I guarantee that you're a strong man, like my brother..."

Then I asked her, "Wait..can I ask a question? Who are you? Why you suddenly came to me, heard my problems, even you advised me?"

"Sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Seungyeon. Maybe you don't know who I am, but there will be the time you know me and right now isn't that time, goodbye."

Then that woman just disappeared from my sight and an envelope dropped from there and fell down to my hand.

So I opened that envelope. There was just a photo. I think that's my family photo when I was 4 years old. That time, we were going to a sea at my town. But then, the tsunami came to my town and I that was just me who survived from that tsunami. I just remembered that I've a sister, yeah, that woman that came to my room. As far as I know, she survived but she was brought to a further town, I don't remember the name.

Then I saw that photo for a minute until a drop of tears fell down to that photo.

Wait...did I cry?

1. The boy's characteristic in the story is...
a) he's kind
b) he's curious
c) he's sad
d) he's easily get angry

2. What is the main idea of the story?
b) About a boy who meet his mother in the hospital
c) About a boy who likes to listen to music
d) About a boy that been bullied by his classmates because he's a orphan

3. The synonym of scream is...
a) yell 
b) cry
c) terrified
d) laugh

4. Look at this sentence below!
Not long after that, a woman opened my room door and said, "You're in hospital right now, kid. You fainted in class."
From this sentence, we can conclude that...
a) The boy opened the room door
b) The woman fainted in the class
c) The boy fainted in the class before he was in the hospital
d) The woman said nothing

5. The moral lesson that we could take from the story are, except...
a) We should be strong and patient even we had lose someone
b) Self-harm is the way to solve problems
c) Don't bully someone if you don't know the bullied backgrounds
d) Anger is the solution of every problem


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